Vis­by of Got­land

Ano­ther over­night fer­ry ahead

Cycle lane from Stockholm to Nynäshamn On the way from Stock­holm to Nynäs­hamn ano­ther spo­ke bra­kes. This ti­me I don't bo­ther ve­ry much be­cau­se the fer­ry is said to lea­ve about mid­night. For a se­cond ti­me I have to stay awa­ke for 60 hours. But I am young and on ho­li­days and it does not mat­ter. I spend the eve­ning in Nynäs­hamn, loo­king at the sai­ling boats and wind sur­fers on this love­ly day. Even the young ones are doing a great job on their lit­te boards.

the Gotland ferry leaves at midnight At mid­night the MS Vis­by sails for Got­land, a ve­ry be­au­ti­ful is­land south of Stock­holm. The com­bi­na­ti­on of two fer­ries will sa­ve about 270 km of mi­nor roads and so I en­joy two days with not too ma­ny ki­lo­me­ters. The tickets are re­du­ced due to my stu­dent card and I get cheap pi­pe to­b­ac­co on board.

Visby - a legend The mor­ning is great. Again the first day wel­co­mes me at my fa­vou­ri­te place, the rai­ling of the ship. It is a day to re­lax. All I do to­day is strol­ling aroud the old fort­ress of Vis­by wai­ting for the hour that the ship co­mes in. For the first ti­me on this trip I spend a day in a ve­ry be­au­ti­ful town, com­pa­ra­ble to Ro­then­burg o. d. Tau­ber or Car­cas­so­ne in southern Fran­ce.

Visby - ancient fortress I am too ti­red to make a bike trip around the is­land. I just walk about and have a look at the old town ta­king some pho­tos. Eve­r­y­thing is old he­re, the hou­ses, the al­lies and even the mo­tor cars seem to be re­lics from a dif­fe­rent cen­tu­ry.

I sit at a café and watch as ti­me goes by. I ga­ther fresh power for the last 1000 ki­lo­me­ters. Now I am hell-bent to cy­cle all the way back home.