Aboard of fer­ry boats

A highway at sea

The road is continued at sea The pe­ri­od of good wea­ther ends. Dark clouds ac­com­pa­ny me for the next days. I stop at the less in­te­res­ting vil­la­ge of Faus­ke af­ter 65 km be­cau­se of rain. The road leads through two tun­nels of which the lon­gest one is 1,7 km, how­ever well il­lu­mi­na­ted.

European highway no. 6 Next day I start ear­ly in the mor­ning. The road fol­lows the coast li­ne ex­cept for tho­se pen­in­su­las that are cros­sed di­rect­ly and stee­p­ly. To make 100 km a day I have to work hard. And so I have to over­co­me ma­ny hun­dred me­ters of al­ti­tude.

European highway no. 6 Sce­ne­ry, how­ever, is re­al­ly gre­at. The moun­tains stand out of the wa­ters up­to 1000 m. The eu­ro­pean highway no. 6 quits the land to be con­ti­nued by fer­ry boats. Whi­le car tou­rists have to wait up­to one hour to get across, I over­ta­ke them and get on board with­out de­lay. To­day there is on­ly one fer­ry left whi­le the other was re­pla­ced by a new route­ing of the road, in­clu­ding new toll bridges and tun­nels.

on the coast The wea­ther be­co­mes ve­ry spe­ci­al. It is ve­ry clou­dy but dry on the sho­re and starts rai­ning as soon as I start clim­bing the hills. But there is one ad­van­ta­ge about them - in the lee I don't suf­fer any mo­re from the stea­dy head winds. In the eve­ning I usual­ly camp on a mea­dow on the sho­re. In the mor­ning I of­ten wa­ke up with a view sce­nic li­ke that on the pho­to ta­ken near Nar­vik.

morning has broken... From now on I call the trip a «way of pain». There are ma­ny hills to climb and near­ly eve­ry eve­ning I have to fix and re­place a bro­ken link of the chain. It is so­me­what anoy­ing to stop the bike, steer it in­to the road­si­de ditch and mend the chain with damp fin­gers whi­le being ex­haus­ted from a long day's cy­cling.

Narvik, former Youth hostel Nordkalotten In the end, how­ever, I suc­ceed in re­a­ching Nar­vik whe­re I de­ci­de to buy some mo­re chain links. I re­mem­ber the words of a fri­end of mi­ne: «Bikes don't die that fast».

Narvik harbour from a window of the YH I get to Nar­vik in the ear­ly mor­ning of a sun­day. So I have to wait a day to buy some equi­pe­ment for the bike. The day is sun­ny and warm and I ta­ke a day off, now that mo­re than 2500 km are done. At mid­night I have a won­der­ful view at the har­bour from the win­dow of the for­mer lo­cal youth hos­tel. Most of the ships load iron-ore from Kiru­na, Swe­den.